Pregnancy loss testing

Product of Conception (PoC): After an abortion, the placenta of foetus gives away important information as to determining common aneuploidies/Gene defects. When adopting conventional methods, the risk of culture failure is high. Therefore, next-generation sequencing can help to obtain PoC results within 24hrs without the need of culture.

The need of Products of conception (PoC) testing at Argenomics

Results derived using conventional cytogenetic cell culture methods haven’t been convincing enough in effectively facilitating a foetal Karyotype. The reason for this can be attributed to issues arising out of cell culture failure. That is what prompted Argenomics to employ the latest NGS technique (which doesn’t require long-term culture) to determine the foetal chromosomal aneuploidies. This helps to ascertain the genetic causes of abortions and also facilitates the clinician to provide further management.

One of the major reasons for the recurring pregnancy losses and IVF failures is a disorder occurring in the endometrium which mainly concerns abnormal gene expressions. Now using the procedure Endometrial Receptor Gene Assay (ERGA), it is possible to...

This is the prenatal genetic testing of foetal chromosomal aneuploidies from Mother’s Blood. We have the credit of being the first centre in the Indian subcontinent to develop in-house Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) which is 99.9% sensiti...

Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

PGD for Chromosomal Translocations: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) – done on embryos created after IVF wherein the genetic diagnosis...

Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

24 chromosome PGS Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) involves a process of screening of embryos in the course of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). ...

  • cytogenetics

    Cytogenetics refers to the study of chromosome content in a cell. Argenomics has a fully equipped Cytogenetics lab with automated Karyotyping and FISH software. A complete Karyotype including structural chromosomal abnormalities and micro-deletions can be obtained using this facility. FISH is only performed on selected chromosomes. Cytogenetic studies can be done on a variety of samples like Peripheral blood, Amniotic fluid, CVS, and products of conception.

  • Hereditary Disease

    Targeted Mutation Screening  is a diagnostic tool completed through blood test that identifies the mutated gene or genes causing a genetic disease in your family. The identification of a gene mutations allows for further steps to be taken to prevent the passing on of the condition to future generations and may aid in the improvement of treatment of an affected individual. In most cases, after identifying the cause of genetic disease the couples can go with a Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) for Single Gene Disorders, a genetic test...


    Preconception genetic testing Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) involves a process of screening of embryos in the course of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). This helps to identify abnormalities in the chromosomes occurring due to aneuploidy. The main reason for recurrent IVF failures and in turn pregnancy losses is the higher risk of chromosomal errors that happ...