Male Infertility Panels

A range of genetic tests can be used to ascertain both quantitatively and qualitatively the nature of sperm integrity.

Needless to say, males share equal responsibility in matters concerning fertility and chances of a successful conception. Here, the genetic factors come into play a great deal. That’s why it is imperative for the individual(s) to get the requisite tests done, that too, in due time so that accurate assessment and management of the genetic problem can be adopted.

DNA Frgmentation index(DFI) – It is a sperm test used to access the fragmentation index. Higher, the rate of fragmentation that can be detected in the sperm, lesser is the possibility of fertilization. And even if it does result in fertilization, chances of abnormalities occurring in the developing embryo/foetus becomes significantly high. Sperm DNA damage is measured by a qualitative assessment. Antioxidants, when given, helps to improve sperm parameters.

Sperm FISH – The measurement of chromosomes in sperm is a quantitative assessment. Even though, the nature of sperm chromatin is haploid, the possibility of some chromosomal aneuploidies in sperms such as nullisomies, diploidies etc cannot be ignored. And in case they are present, it creates abnormal embryos/ foetus after fertilization. The aneuploidies in sperm, when tested help the clinician to understand the fertilization potential occurring due to previous ART Failures and multiple abortions if any. Another advantage of this technique is that it allows the characterization of a part of the spermatozoa’s genetic material and also in knowing the number of chromosome copies in each sperm (percentage of sperm chromosomatically altered aneuploidies). This can be achieved by fluorescent probes for each chromosome.

Indications for FISH:

•    Oligozoospermia
•    Asthenozoospermia
•    Teratozoospermia
•    IVF Failures
•    Recurrent Abortions
•    Advanced Paternal Age

Y Chromosome micro-deletions :

Y chromosome micro-deletion test which covers all the major genes is involved in the process of spermatogenesis.

When this Y chromosome micro-deletion is screened, it aids the clinician in evaluating males with conditions such as Azoospermia (Zero-Sperm), severe Oligozoospermia, or otherwise unexplained male factor infertility.


•    It is in patients undergoing ICSI, TESE and Micro TESE, screening of Y-Chromosome micro-deletions are indicated. It helps to prevent possible risks involved in transmitting Y-Chromosome micro-deletions to the offspring.


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